From polymers to paper: the market scenarios for primary packaging.



About 10 years ago a particular interest in ecological alternative forms of primary packaging began to spread, while the first “paper only” packaging solutions date back to 2016.

The diffusion of paper packaging proceeded slowly in Europe, as in Italy where less than 10% of 70 converting lines for tissue were dedicated to paper.

The progressive approach to more ecological solutions is supported by the push of consumers who are increasingly interested in environmental issues.


The market interest in paper packaging and sustainability in general is recent. CPS Company has always been committed to the development of innovative ideas in favour of energy saving and environmental protection.

Nevertheless on the paper packaging front “the real turning point will only come if national or European laws prohibit the use of polymers; otherwise producers will continue to prefer them – says Enrico Rubbini, commercial director of CPS Company – There are nations, such as France, which have given themselves a maximum of two years to ban secondary plastic packaging if the primary one is already plastic. ”

In the meantime, the use of more ecological packaging solutions struggles to take hold in the tissue industry: companies that wrap toilet tissue in paper form constitute a small interesting market niche which still do not have a defined and clear profile.

Rubbini adds that “the companies that have adopted it (paper form) are taking measures regarding industrial costs and advantages in terms of marketing. None has completely converted into paper wrapping.”