Designed for consumer goods, every six months it will updates the green information on the product packaging in stores.

IdentiPack, the first observatory on green packaging labeling, was born from the synergy between GS1 Italy and Conai, the National Packaging Consortium.

The new system will constantly detect the environmental information on the shelf packaging labels and every six months will report a precise analysis of the products on the market, photographing the situation relating to those available on the shelf and then actually purchased by the consumer, segmenting them according to the departments of membership.

With IdentiPack it will be possible to compare the environmental information indicated on the product labels, digitized by Imagino of GS1 Italy (128,000 in this phase), with the data processed by NielsenIQ regarding what was sold in the points of sale.

In this way, updated data will be obtained on how many products have environmental information on the label, mandatory from next January, and how many will have additional information.

Looking at the first IdentiPack report, in 2021 the products that report environmental information related to the pack increased compared to the previous year. Encouraging figures in view of the legislation which, starting from 2023, will be mandatory in Italy.